Nottingham Caribbean Carnival

The aunt told me that she would be taking me to a Caribbean Carnival and I instantly thought of the movie Rio but instead of a carnival at night, it would be in the day...running into the night. 

When we arrived I obviously didn't expect it to be such a huge carnival as the one in the movie I mentioned, I mean, why would it - right? And the scatter of people sprinkled here and there didn't raise my expectations to much. But then, sitting on the sidewalk for an hour and waiting for the carnival to begin, I started to notice that the people walking past me were dressing more and more extreme and then I noticed the numbers had grown. 

Perhaps I was wrong. 

The Nottingham Caribbean Carnival started in 1959 - that's a looooong time to still be taking place in 2013 and if I can surprise you, it was a response to race relations happening in 1958.

What struck me the most at this carnival was the amount of people drinking openly on the streets, in front of the coppers. You wouldn't think much of it and I can accept it slightly because I was trying to compare the block carnival to a music festival, but I just could not wrap my head around the amount of people walking around with expensive bottles of brandy, sherry and whiskey just swigging out of the bottle without a care in the world.
I'm much more use to beer cans and ciders, but not expensive bottles of brandy. Isn't that reserved for the wagon stand in the corner of an expensive lounge?

Anyway, though I did not get pictures of these brandy and whiskey drinkers nor did I get pictures of the growing mass of people, I did, however, manage to squeeze between the real pro-photographers and snap a few happy pics. 

Knock yourself out:


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