Being a girl who doesn’t party in Cape Town, I decided to take my Good Fortune swiftly by the horns and let Good Fortune lead me grinning towards Cape Town and oh, what a night!
Itching to get the party started, we were rather begrudging when a drift of pigs pulled us over to see Richard’s license, while casually asking if he had been drinking. Wesley and I couldn’t resist bursting into a fit of laughter, explaining to the cop that this guy doesn’t drink. I don’t think he believed us, simply because he looked to the assisting piece of bacon and requested a breathalyzer test be done. Yes. This really happened and here is the picture that’s worth a thousand words.
Richard getting a breathalyzer test |
After following the GPS, missing the turn off, asking for directions twice and avoiding an over-friendly car guard we landed at the entrance of The Assembly and the excitement was buzzing. We got branded (I have to say the stamp screamed Chinese Porn Star) and practically raced each other up the stairs to the first floor. My first introduction to The Assembly was an overpowering scent of sweet, fruity smoke and a deserted overly clean, stylish factory club atmosphere and I immediately knew I was in for one hell of a party. Here’s a taste of what The Assembly looks like:
Assembly Branded Me |
The Flame |
The Table of Foosballers |
The Stage |
Rustic Bathrooms |
The Second Bar |
The Stage and The Smoke |
Sound Box |
The Assembly |
It didn’t take us long to find the bar which stretched across the length of the room and we scurried towards the colorfully bright lights, grinning barmen and fully stocked fridges like moths to a burning flame. After ordering our first round of drinks which were on special (because even the pigs couldn’t make us late for Happy Hour) we then proceeded to fill our throats with our second round before deciding to scatter and see who else had already arrived. It didn’t take us long to notice that Nick Frost (drummer of LA.VI) was playing foosball with two other strangers (I’m sure I’ve met them a thousand times, but probably when I was drunk) and of course, the foosball junkie, Richard Kuiper, who had somehow managed to dislodge himself from our group on arrival.
After meeting the barmen at the second bar, we found ourselves a comfy well-centered couch and before I had time to feel the leather against my ass, the missing piece to our power group arrived; Miss Laura Kitty and yup, you guessed it; off to the bar we went. Now that everyone had arrived, we tainted our senses with the entertainment.
DJ Sideshow started the night off with some very cool vibes; she started with exactly the right kind of music that would get the soberest person in the crowd shaking what their mamma gave them with pride; though towards the end of her set I think her music became a little too ‘old school’ for me to appreciate or to keep up with, so myself and the ladies took this opportunity to visit the very rustic bathrooms.
DJ Sideshow getting her groove on |
By the time I realized what was happening the first band, Beatenberg, was up and already through mid set. Though I can learn to appreciate their music through their quiet uniqueness, I don’t think it was something that myself (or the group of friends I was with) wanted to listen to. They were a good pick to start the live entertainment off with because I see their music as a ‘relax-and-put-your-feet-up-and-feel-happy’ vibe rather than a ‘grab-a-drink-and-let’s-get-this-party-started’ kind of band. Don’t get me wrong, they would be awesome for an outdoor-let’s- drink–wine-to-chill kind of gig and I would probably fall in love with them; but I don’t think they fit into The Assembly atmosphere.
After grabbing more drinks, visiting the bathroom more than twice (because we all know what it’s like once you’ve broken the seal) and arguing with the short barman because the tequila slush puppies weren’t ready yet, we found our way to the centre of the dance floor where LA.VI was setting up to get their jiggy on.
The crowd was amped and eager to get their bodies moving to the beat, the stage lights were creating the perfect effect, there was just enough smoke, the side screens yelled LA.VI to anyone who dared miss it and without skipping a beat, LA.VI kicked off as if they’d been born on that very stage. Let’s be honest here and say that when I first heard LA.VI I couldn’t get around the fact that their music was different and completely not what I would catch myself listening to, but thankfully my mind kick-started my stubbornness into ‘get the hell outta here’ mode and I went flying head first into the fan group of LA.VI. The energy was great, the stage movement was just enough to keep motion sickness at bay and simply, the crowd loved them.

After taking pictures of the band and tweeting what the rest of the world was missing out on, we headed for the bar for those long overdue tequila slush puppies and before I knew it, the night ended in a blur of Tequila Bliss.
Foosballer Richard |
There are no words for this pic |
Bunny |
Kitty |
Me and the Richard |
Awesome Barman |
Between the Reds |
The Bar Assembly |
Tequila Slush puppies |
The Blur Began |
Looks like fun Nix! And you have taken my place as Official Lucky Girl:) You look like a minx in these pics, as usual!