The Award

It's not every day someone is nominated for something unless you've knowingly and willingly placed yourself in that line of receiving, but it is with great surprise that Anne Dolinschek (blog seen HERE) decided to award me with the Liebster Award.

The definition of this award is for bloggers who have the talent but not the followers, so anyone with less than 200 followers receives this and is encouraged to bless the virtual pages of the interwebs. 

Apparently with all good things, there are rules and these be the rules:

Here comes the tricky part, stepping out of my shell and taking a look at me without shutting out the weirdness.

11 Random Facts About A Ginger

  1. I'm scared of flushing toilets because in the back of my mind I'm certain a dwarf will pop out and attack me. Though I have lived with this fear forever, I do flush loos.
  2. When I get scared the lower part of my back tingles and I won't calm down until I rub it and sit against something, something that doesn't allow someone to pounce up behind me and kill me.
  3. I will never fight for someone who will never fight for me because I don't believe in being raw in front of or for someone unless they can prove and keep that trust.
  4. If I don't like certain food I will keep eating it until I learn to like it. I'm not a coward to new things and taste won't stop me.
  5. I spend my morning on social networks and when a specific image pulls my attention, I dress according to that image.
  6. I have an obsession with serial killers. Don't think I encourage their cravings, I just respect those that have never been caught and would kill to get into their heads (excuse the pun).
  7. I find it easier to walk in 13cm heels than flat shoes. Flat shoes bring out the clumsy in me.
  8. When I was younger, I wanted to be an archaeologist but now that I am all grown up, I've opted for unemployed.
  9. I'm scared of pain, yet if you give me the option of a piercing or a tattoo, I will always choose the tattoo.
  10. When I was 12 years old, I'd already experienced the curse of dating and being fought over... a curse, not a gift.
  11. Even though I'm a ginger and I live in the real world. I will always believe in the prince who never gives up hope.
11 Questions asked of me

If your life had a soundtrack, what would be on it?

At the best of times I try not to listen to music as it defines your emotion and drives your needs, but if I had to choose I'd probably say it would be a mix of heavy metal and pop. Definitely all those cheesy songs about strength and pushing through life with your head held high.

Book vs Kindle. What is your preference and why?

Without doubt or question, I would definitely say books. It's the simplest reason - because you can always smell the age and history on the pages of every book. Also, a Kindle can die on you and leave you mid-paragraph.

What is that one question or phrase that really irks you?
Com on, we all have a few.
When people meet me for the first time and they ask me "What's your name?"  as soon as my name leaves my lips I'm doomed to hear Elton Johns version of 'Nikita' for the rest of my life.

Blondes or brunettes? Who really has more fun and why do you think this?
I'm insulted that red heads aren't on the list, therefore, I'm adding them to the option. Honestly, I think brunettes have more fun. Ye, sure, red heads are always going to be the wild card, they will always be the one to do the thing that no one else wants to do, but it's brunette that know how to hunt the longest whilst having fun. Sorry blondes, but the innocence that comes with that hair doesn't sell your party soul to me.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I ran around the house naked, I wanted to be a car washer. When I was still playing with my teddies and had a white board in my bedroom, I wanted to be a teacher. When I left Primary School, I wanted to become and archaeologist. 

What's in your handbag right now?
Lipstick, stress tablets, eyeliner, purse, reading glasses. 
Looking at this now, my bag makes me seem like a 45 year old virgin. Where are the condoms? The hidden vibrators? The spare panties?

If your house was on fire, what would you grab on your way to safety?
Lawyers papers, my dogs, my phone and all my photos.

If you could choose one book to read all over again, what would it be?
Anne Rice - The Vampire Chronicles
'The Queen of the Damned' was partly based on this book and when I read the book, I still to this day, play scenes 'round and 'round in my head.

Tea or coffee?

I have to say tea just because my mother is from Manchester and that lead to a lot of tea drinking although one cup of coffee once a month, is like an orgasm so it's a tough choice.

When you have a bad day, what is that one thing that can instantly brighten it?
Knowing that you are loved and remembered by that someone special.

What is your favorite song at this very moment? The one that is always on repeat in your car.

Right now it has to be Titanium. It's from the movie 'Pitch Perfect' and it has been running around in my head. I like it because it's a powerful song that lets us know no matter how much someone hurts us and breaks us down, we are strong enough to get up. We are still stronger than them.

I've taken forever to write this blog because it's not easy answering questions about oneself and now the hardest job comes up next. Finding 11 bloggers that have less than 200 followers... I don't think I know 11 bloggers to start with, but here we go:

And the Award goes to...

  1. Kitten of Discord
  2. The Brothers Frost
  3. Small Glory
  4. Photography by Claire Nicola

Unfortunately I don't read very many blogs so I can't add any more to this list. I hope you will forgive me and find enough pleasure in reading the ones I have posted here.

Right - here are 11 questions for the 4 nominees to answer:

  1. If you had to match your fav colour to your personality, what part of your personality would it match?
  2. If you could be any animal, what would it be?
  3. If you were a super hero, what would your power be, why and how would you use it - for good or evil?
  4. What is your biggest regret to date?
  5. What is your most embarrassing moment to date?
  6. Are you where you thought you would be 10 years ago?
  7. What's your first memory?
  8. What is your greatest fear that you will become when you are older?
  9. If you won 50 million rand, what would you do with it and why?
  10. What is the one thing you do when you wake up in the morning that makes you WANT to get out of bed?
  11. Who is the one person who has defined who you are today?


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