Day One Hundred and Nintey Five

Christmas is the time of year when no matter the hardships you and your family have been through, you make the time to be together. Sometimes distance isn’t a match for this day and even sibling feuds aren’t enough to break the blood bond.

With our family, our last two Christmas’ consisted of three close family members being absent (my grandfather, my sister and then my grandmother) so when we had close family friends join our celebrations in making the circle bigger, we happily set the extra seats at the table.
Though many people I know celebrate the main Christmas events on Christmas Eve (this seems to be a trend I have noticed is increasing with time) my family celebrate Christmas on the 25 December; where we see who can wake up the earliest and the opening of presents takes place, followed by a highly unhealthy English breakfast (a necessity considering my mother was born in Manchester) we then laze around and then begin to eat the biggest Christmas lunch you could ever imagine.
Yes. My Christmas was magical!

Before I open the door into our Christmas day I just want us to remember that though some of us are fortunate enough to experience these luxuries (if even for one day), there are people in the world who could not afford even one Santa-wrapped gift. I try and do this every day, but if I can encourage a few readers to keep this in mind, perhaps each of us in turn can help give a gift (even something as small as a ‘hello’) and turn every ordinary day into Christmas.

Dad and Mom waking up with smiles
Richard getting a Hobbs
The naughty Calvin face
Aunty Colleen | Uncle Mark
Family Friends
Cutest little lady
The ladies doing what ladies do best
Christmas crackers
Christmas Tree, oh Christmas Tree
Clean Up
More of the Christmas Tree
Dad smiling BIG time!
Lighting candles for the family that are with us in Spirit
No Christmas is complete without the HATS!
Half the family and friends
Uncle Mark | Dad Mark
Proving best friends are for life
My sister and my mom
The Love Birds
Mom and Dad
Christmas is always better with family

Merry Christmas, everyone.


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