
Scrolling through the web pages of the lighter side to life, this video hit me full on with a blow that left me crying at work, behind my desk.

29 minutes and 59 seconds too long for you?
Don't want to waste your time watching it?

All it takes is 4 minutes 40 seconds to know. To understand. To keep you locked in and listening. 

I have pledged. 
I am getting the Action Kit.
But more importantly, I am spreading this.

Don't be left in your corner of light and think that this does not affect you. 

It affects us all. 

I live in South Africa and I am astounded that a country, far from this reality, is being moved into action, when I am far closer to this destruction than them.

This affects every generation and it all begins with us. 

Disagree? Think that this will never affect you?


This IS all there is. 

Do not allow this destruction to reach into your lives. 
Do not  allow this destruction to reach into the lives of your children - your grandchildren. 
Do not allow the children in this video to die and live like this.

Do not do nothing. 

All it takes is one step. 




So apparently this is fake... 

Check out the blogs below:


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