Day Nineteen
When I created this section of my blog, I didn't realize that each day would bring with it challenges, questions and realizations (which may have been mildly stupid of me).
When you've been as low as I've been these past months, hitting the 19th day of finding one good thing to give me reason, wasn't as easy as I'd originally thought it would be.
I nearly fell three days out of these nineteen, but continue to strive for the positive in each day and it is through my friends who have the most amazing timing, nature which blinds me with it's beauty and of course the internet that opens my eyes to the power of other people in this world, that I'm still taking one step forward and embracing this gift called Life.
Follow @TheFirstChild
When you've been as low as I've been these past months, hitting the 19th day of finding one good thing to give me reason, wasn't as easy as I'd originally thought it would be.
I nearly fell three days out of these nineteen, but continue to strive for the positive in each day and it is through my friends who have the most amazing timing, nature which blinds me with it's beauty and of course the internet that opens my eyes to the power of other people in this world, that I'm still taking one step forward and embracing this gift called Life.
This granny is 72 years old and lives in Russia. Almost everyday she goes to the field and works out. |
Impossible is an option. Impossible is a dare. |
Follow @TheFirstChild
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