Be Free

Freedom of speech.
Freedom of action.

These are not things I would have caught myself writing about, but I guess everyone is allowed to surprise themselves at least once in their life. Respect? Is that where these two phrases are derived from? Is the meaning more than what the "catch-phrase" says?

I think 'freedom of speech and the freedom of action' have become a trend among the new generation that holds power in the hands of the person demanding that speech and actions be manipulated into what they feel is the right kind of speech, the right kind of action. 

How can one person claim to know what you should or should not be allowed to say.
How can one person claim to know how you should or should not be allowed to act. 

What gives another person the right to control the one part of ourselves that shapes us to be who we are - that shapes us to be an individual. Nothing. 

Want to bring a higher power into this? Sure. 
God gave us the freedom of choice. 

It is our decision to express ourselves in our actions and our words, it is this freedom that has lead each of us to become the individual that we were intended to be. It is this freedom that has allowed us to question everything we do not understand. It is this freedom that has allowed us to understand and accept the things we cannot. It is this freedom that has set us free. 

And now, we are being judged on this freedom, because we do not speak or express ourselves in ways that are acceptable to these judges.

Who gives anyone the right to take that freedom away from an individual? No one. 
No one has that right. 

That's a different word. 
It's the difference between knowing what to say when and how to act in a specific situation surrounded by children or let's say, your elders. 
Learn to understand it. 

A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
Admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
noun.  regard - esteem - reverence - deference - consideration
verb.  honour - honor - esteem - regard - venerate - revere

  1. The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
  2. Absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.

You want to control a world by taking freedom away? 
Instead learn to understand the difference between freedom and respect and you're half way to understanding where you are going, or even better, where you came from.


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