A Moment.

I'd never want the:

Grinding of the breaks ringing through the silence of my ears as the the gravel and tar spin out to meet the rubber of the tyres.

The weight of the truck being forced into the gravity of a brick wall made of air as it slams and leans towards hell with the pressure of not hitting in to you.

You can smell the burnt rubber from the breaks of this mighty beast and you can see the front of the tin-like bonnet of your white car meet the rubber of this unsuspecting demon.

The sound of metal crushes and breaks, bends and winds until you see your hands on the steering wheel about to be absorbed by this creature.

Panic? Fear? Terror? Questions?


A calm surrounds you as you realize you are about to die in the hands of this beast.

Peace consumes you to the point of realizing that you do not care for the pain - infact, you long for it with every fiber of your being, the moment calling to you like a  parent calling for the love and attention of their lost child.

The last thoughts passing through you begin with all the failures that led you to this moment  and develope into the short moments that make life worth living.

The wheel approaches. 



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